
Consumer Nation

As much as I'd love to comment more on the obesity of America and their fat, fat, fat belly folds, I've chosen to dwell on a finer sense of consumption. The kind that involves a purchase or in some cases, theft.

The holiday season is approaching quickly and despite whatever economic problems this country may be in, or headed towards, people are going to buy hams, yams, Christmas and Chanukah presents, and a whole host of other products that will serve as vessels for the spirit of giving. Or the spirit of greed. Or the spirit of mindless buying instigated by advertisers, marketeers, and corporate scum. That took a little turn, now didn't it?

It's not that I have anything against purchasing this or that but I can't help but feel like today's society is definitely in an unstoppable whirlwind of unnecessary spending. Granted, we need to buy certain items: food, shelter, toilet paper, concert tickets. But what about excessive clothes, rhinestone studded thong underwear, tattoos, belly dances, pleather, electronic doodads -- the list goes on. I know it's fun to buy things and all that jazz but why are countless people running up behemoth amounts of credit card debt, buying things they can't afford, taking loans they can't pay back, and allowing more and more houses to fall into foreclosure? Why can't people stop wasting money? What is this unstoppable urge to continuously spend beyond our means?

Before the monetary system, people still worked hard but they relied on barter between products and services. In my opinion, it was a more simplistic time where people were more involved with each other rather than this overly separated culture that we've fallen into. Now everyone has a "thing" to work for rather than someone to work for. With barter, there's more of a relationship and it feels more like you're working for a person. With the current system, you may work for someone but in reality, you're working for that paycheck. Why do we work so hard for that piece of paper? So we can spend it. Why do we care so much about this piece of paper? Because we're selfish.

In the eyes of this corporate society, we are nothing more than dancing lemmings trapped in a consumer nation. The focus of everything is to try and get us to buy this, or rent that, or lease this, or layaway that. I feel like a common whore except I'm not getting paid. Whatever happened to the true essence of living? How did it become this disarray of clustered buyers wandering around stores and online shops like mindless zombies? I like zombies but sooner or later, they have to get shot in the head.

The funny thing is that there's nothing we can really do about it. Sure, we can come to some conclusion and step outside the box but eventually, we'll be back in the store, buying chocolate covered banana chips and leg warmers. We don't need all that much but it takes serious dedication to revert to an older and simpler style of life and let's face it, we're lazy and comfortable. That's why today I'll buy something I think I need and tomorrow you'll convince yourself that that one thing you want more than anything else will complete you. Lie to yourself all you want. I don't mind. It's just nice to step outside the box every so often and see how manipulated we as humans can be.

Work, get paid, consume, repeat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should read White Noise by Don DeLillo. I think you'd like it. There are similar themes to what you're talking about here.