
On a Political Note

Yes, it's Super Tuesday -- a day that has more emphasis than Christmas. Unfortunately, this year, 2008, brings many lumps of coal rather than desired gifts. And no, that was not a racial shot at Senator Obama.

As dissatisfied as I am with the candidates of both parties, I am extremely disenchanted by the American people at large. What happened to the revolutionaries that framed this once beautiful country and provided human liberty for the oppressed and just retaliation against man's tyranny? What happened to the logical men and women that used to cast their votes? They're dead, dead and in the ground. Today we have a bunch of flighty ignoramuses who can hardly spell their names. I've never heard so many uninformed people speak about their political views on both radio and television. Take me now, God because if you don't take me, I'm probably moving to Costa Rica in January of 2009. Either that, or I'm taking a nice trip to the Bermuda Triangle.

To be upfront and fair, I am a strong supporter of Congressman Ron Paul. I'm not going to spend time explaining his ideas and qualifications because I'm not a parent and I'm not going to feed babies. You're grownups and you know how to read so you don't need my help. The only thing I will say about Ron Paul is: take ten minutes and research why you don't hear that much about him, why he is left out of the papers, why he is cut off, why he was ignored in the California Republican Debate, why no one knows he took second place in Nevada, why no one knows that Louisiana belongs to him in the primaries, why he has the most military support over any other candidate, why he has raised the most money without corporate endorsements, and why he is the only candidate that sounds like a goddamn constitutional founding father. Look at the media block he has had even though he has outlasted Rudy and Edwards and ask yourself who is really voting in this election. That's it. His name will not come up anymore.

Right now, I am going to either offend or inform a great many people. I'm not looking to do either. I'm looking to make you think. People, especially Americans, don't use their minds much anymore so I'm trying to light a fire under your ass.

John McCain blatantly lies on the air. He says that he has never supported amnesty, which he overwhelmingly has if you research his voting record in the Senate and publicly expressed ideas. Check www.voterguide.org to see how any candidate has voted in the past. Besides that, he is willing to be in Iraq for a hundred years and probably more. Do we really need another lying warmonger in the White House? And can you really trust someone who earlier today swung his West Virginia Primary votes to Huckabee in order to thwart Romney? Is that how we want our country controlled, like a conniving ten year-old who will do whatever he can to win because he knows that he couldn't win the popular vote otherwise? And why did McCain suddenly pop into a race that he was not supposed to even be recognized in? Look at the history book timelines and look at how coincidentally he rose to the status of a "leading" candidate.

Mitt Romney is the flip-flop artist of the decade. When running for governor of Massachusetts, he ran with a pro-choice banner on his head. Soon as he got into office, he was pro-life. He can't even get his answers right about his religion, which is irrelevant. I agree that his Mormonism should be ignored but one should be stable and certain in what they believe whatever it may be. And let's see, we have a businessman in office right now. Is Romney magically going to be a better one? If he could get his story straight, I'm sure he'd give us an answer. Perhaps if he and McCain could stop arguing with each other, they could discuss the issues.

Mike Huckabee is probably the biggest tool in the Republican Party. He obviously is trying to keep peace with McCain in order to seek a seat as his running mate. The man refuses to confront McCain on his insanity and has a hard time speaking about the issues. He also has pardoned 12 convicted murderers. When this got brought up in a debate, all he could do was hang his head and wait for it to be over. He is all for staying in Iraq. What good is a slippery former Governor in the White House? No one should stand for someone who can't stand strongly alone. America doesn't need a pastor who is solely relying on the Bible Belt vote, we need a presidential leader. Your nametag says Christian but your face says something different, Mr. Huckabee.

Onward to the Democrats. I affiliate with neither party but Democrats tend to annoy me on a different level than Republicans. They are generally very smug seemingly unhappy people. All they do is constantly rag on Republicans with the same old grievances. I agree that the Republican candidates, and the current President, for the most part are less than desirable but there are so many other things to talk about. They dwell on it so much that it seems as if they don’t know what is really going on Grow up, kiddies.

Barack Hussein Obama is a liar. He constantly states that he voted against the war, misleading listeners. He was not in the Senate and was not able to vote for the war. Granted, he has voted against war support in some circumstances since he was sworn in. But he has also voted against bringing the troops home and voted for giving more money to the Iraq effort. So, what the hell? His inexperience and inability to show a substantial track record leaves only his pretty words that focus on simple ideas like "hope" and "change." Yes, these are nice words but they mean nothing if you have no plan and spend more time tickling people's ears rather than telling them the truth and where you stand. His "Si Se Puede" campaign is a perfect example of him banking on some simple words. What in God's good name does "Yes, We Can" in Spanish have to do with anything rather than trying to pry support out of Mexican voters. Stop worrying about identifying with the blacks, stop trying to identify with the Mexicans, stop lying to us. If Obama would pull off his political mask and prove that he can't be corrupted by the corporate system, which he already has if you check his history with a certain hospital in Illinois, we would be able to see what he is really made of.

Hillary Clinton is something else. She constantly criticizes Bush yet she voted for the war and is quite buddy-buddy with him. And for Christ's sake, she has cried twice on her campaign. I'm not against emotion but what is there to cry about on the campaign trail unless you're looking to attract female voters? Yet, she can throw smug snide remarks out two seconds later. Are we going to replace a retard in the White House with a basketcase? She can shed a tear but partial-birth abortion doesn't seem to faze her. In 2005, she had no problem voting to make sure there were future funds set for Afghanistan and Iraq. Not to mention, she's all for granting legal status to certain illegal aliens who have broken the law. Also, she voted against denying legal status to immigrants that have been convicted of certain crimes. Here's the thing about Hillary: she's just as big business/big government as any Republican or any other corrupt politician. I have a question for all of the Bill Clinton supporters: if Bill was so great and he cheated on Hillary, there must have been something that provoked him. If you trust his judgment so much, why would you now trust someone that he holds in such low esteem? All that's irrelevant though. If you look at Hillary closely, you'll see who she really is. Unfortunately, it looks as though she will be the next president, causing even more citizens to continue living in an America that has been dominated by the Bush-Clinton regime. There are people out there who have never lived without a Bush or Clinton in office. If you don't think they're in cahoots, you're out of your mind and as blind as a Scientologist's faith.

Try and keep your heads up during the rest of the election. I know it's hard because you are being forced to choose between idiots and morons but we can do it, we can pull through. I'll see you all in Costa Rica in January.

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